Bhakti-Sufi Traditions


Why do you think that the traditions of Baba Guru Nanak remain significant even in the 21st century?


I think due to the following reasons the traditions of Baba Guru Nanak remain significant even today :

(i)    Guru Nanak was a great humanitarian, believed in secularism and communal harmony. In 21st century India is a secular state and we want that communal harmony should prevail in India.

(ii)    Baba Guru Nanak believed in existence of one God or Wahe Guru. According to him God is everywhere and can be worshipped in any form. He was a true democrate in the field of religion. For him the Absolute or rub does not belong any particular gender or form. He advocated a form of Nirgun Bhakti. He firmly repudiated the external practices of the religions he saw around him.

(iii)    Twenty first century is a scientific century. It’s progress is based on latest knowledge, scientific discoveries, inventions and technology. We know science rejects sacrifices, blind faiths, wrong traditions and superstitions.

During his life time, Baba Guru Nanak rejected sacrifices, ritual baths, image worship, austerities and the scriptures of both Hindus and Muslims.

(iv) Guru Nanak believed in simple living and high thinking. Definitely this idea does not suit to western ideological thinkers and supporters of materialistic culture. But he was in favour of language of common people in the field of religion. About him certain writers had written that Guru Nanak Dev proposed a simple way to connect to Divine by remembering and repeating the Divine Name, expressing his idea through hymns called “shabad” in Punjabi, the language of the region.

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Some More Questions From Bhakti-Sufi Traditions Chapter

Discuss the ways in which the Alvars, Nayanars and Virashaivas expressed critiques of the caste system.

Describe the major teachings of either Kabir or Baba Guru Nanak, and the ways in which these have been transmitted.

Discuss the major beliefs and practices that characterised Sufism.

Examine how and why rulers tried to establish connections with the traditions of the Nayanars and the Sufis.

Analyse, with illustrations, why Bhaktland Sufi thinkers adopted a variety of languages in which to express their opinions.

Read any five of the sources included in this chapter and discuss the social and religious ideas that are expressed in them.

On an outline map of India, plot three major sufi shrines, and three places associated with temples (one each of a form of Vishnu, Shiva and the goddess).

Choose any two of the religious teachers/thinkers/saints mentioned in this chapter, and find out more about their lives and teachings. Prepare a report
about the area and the times in which they lived their major ideas, how we know about them, and why you think they are important.

Find out more about practices of pilgrimage associated with the shrines mentioned in this chapter. Are these pilgrimages still undertaken? When are these shrines visited? Who visits these shrines? Why do they do so? What are the activities associated with these pilgrimages?

Mention the two earliest Bhakti Movements of Tamil Nadu, giving the main difference between them.