Globalisation And Social Change


Choose any point that is of interest to you and discuss how you think globalisation has affected it. You could choose cinema work, marriage or any other topic.


(i) No discussion on social change in the twenty-first century can take place without some reference to globalisation. As far as definition of the term globalisation is concerned it is urged that there cannot be of understanding it. Different subjects or academic disciplines may focus on different aspects of globalisation. For example, Economics may be dealing more with the economic dimensions such as capital flows. Political Science may focus on the changing role of governments. Let us see how sociology seeks to understand globalisation.

(ii) Sociology studies the social or cultural consequences of globalisation. With the opening up of the market and removal of restrictions to the import of many products we have many more products from different corners of the world in our neighbourhood shops. The dramatic changes in the media (including cinema) are perhaps the most visible effect of globalisation, some of the India film producers, directors, actors and so on are being welcome in other countries and regions or film industries of the world. Similarly several foreign filmmakers, directors, heroes and heroins are being called and welcomed by different countries and film industries.

(iii) Children films, cartoon films, comedies, social and love films are produced in several languages side by side. Film festivals and film promotion shows are being screened in different countries and their main cities from time to time with great pomp and show.

(iv) Music, dance forms, styles of presentations, natural and other scenes, filmy sets are mutually exchanged and are impressing minds of the concern people of the film industry on universal level.

(v) Sociologists have to study villages, families, movements, child reading practices, work and leisure bureaucratic organisations or castes / classes / groups / genders/ customs taking this global interaction into account by films of the present century also.

(vi) The effect of globalisation on cinema is far reaching. It affects us, on culture, our modes of behaviour, mode of thinking, etc. but affects us differently while for some it may mean new pattern and opportunities of culture, music, dance, etc. but for others the challenge for their own style of music for identity of culture, for own dance, etc. Some believe that globalisation is necessary to herald a better world or better universal understanding. Others fear that the impact of globalisation on cinema is different sections of people is vastly different.

(vii) However, advancement in IT (Information Technology), photography, musical instrument, cameras etc. had definitely positive effects on cinema due to globalisation. It has opened more wider and larger markerts for film producers and even for people to enjoy more films of their own choices and likings.

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