Terms, Concepts And Their Use In Sociology


Differentiate between ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ groups.


Differences between Formal and Informal Groups :
(a) The Formal Group
1. The formal group tends to be either large or a part of a large organisation.
2. An army and a labour union is the example of formal group.
3. A formal group always has a normative, hierarchical structure of status system.
4. Formal group expects strict discipline from its members.

5. These groups may follow order from their senior officers or leaders.
(b) The Informal Group
1. A Group without formally stated group rules, goals or leaders is called informal group.
2. It is a typically small; and often; casually and spontaneously formed.
3. Interaction is based on common interests and intimate conduct.
4. Informal groups may or may not have strong group norms, and adherence to group norms rest on personal loyalty— rather than or explicit group rules.
5. Children's play group and gangs, as well as cliques (which might be formed within a formal organization), are examples of informal groups.

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