Nationalism In India


Imagine you are a women participating in the Civil Disobedience Movement. Explain what the experience meant to your life.


Imagination of a women participating in the Civil Disobedience Movement:

(i) I saw that women were not lagging behind then the men in this movement. They alike men can also raise their voice against the system, disrupted either at individual or institutional level.

(ii) Experiment with truth and non-violence is varied and varidical as per topics/issues. Law and order is truly followed in this mode of action.

(iii) Participation in likewise moves and movements inculcates a sense of tolerance, labour, patience, valour and dedication.

(iv) Alongwith picketing foreign clothes and liquor shops, I would have systematically remove the foreign or alien demands that dwell in my heart in the form of anger, jealousy, vanity, ostentation etc. in company of so great guide, i.e. Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi.

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