Social Structure : Stratification And Social Process In Society


What is meant by the following terms/words :

(a) Varna, (b) Caste, (c) Class, (d) Unequal Distribution of Resources, (e) Social Stratification, (f) Wealth or Property.


(a) Varna : This refers to the broad four fold division of the Indian society on the basis of occupation or responsibilities assigned to different divisions of the society. The Varna system was very powerful during Vedic Age.

(b) Caste : It is a social grouping based on birth. It entails hierachy, hereditary occupation and restrinction on intermarriage and interdining between one caste and another.

(c) Class : This refers to individuals who share economic resources and its allied advantages.

(d) Unequal Distribution of Resources : Every society has unequal distribution of resources—wealth or property, power and prestige among its members. It is called unequal distribution of resource.

(e) Social Stratification : Division of society into various strata is social stratification. It refers to the division of population into strata, one on top of another.

(f) Wealth or Property : It is the value of a person's family total economic assets, including

(i) income, (ii) personal property and (iii) income-generating property.

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