The Living World


Which of the following is correct regarding respiration in adult frog

  • In water- Skin, gills

  • On land - Skin, buccal cavity

  • In water- Skin, buccal cavity

  • On land- Skin, lungs, gills



On land - Skin, buccal cavity

In frog three types of respiration occurs to suit its amphibious mode of life. These are cutaneous, buccopharyngeal and pulmonary respiration. Cutaneous respiration occurs through the thin, moist, highly vascular and naked skin. It takes place in water as well as on land. Buccopharyngeal respiration occurs on land via thin, vascular, moist lining of buccopharyngeal cavity. Pulmonary respiration takes place when the frog is outside the water. It occurs by lungs of adult frog.

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