Constitution: Why And How?


How is India a Sovereign, Demo-cratic, Republic? Discuss.


(1) India as a Sovereign: The Preamble to the Indian Constitution declares India to be a Sovereign Republic. It signifies thefollowing facts :
1. India has attained full status of independent statehood.
2. India is free to conduct her internal and external affairs as she deems desirable.
3. India is no longer under subjugation of any foreign power.
4. India's membership of the Common wealthof Nations does not compromise her status as a Sovereign Republic.
(2) India as a Democratic: India can be called a Democratic State in the following context:
1. The ultimate source of political and constitutional authority in India is vested with the people.
2. Periodical elections are held on the basis of adult franchise.
3.  Equality, the basic principle of a democratic form of government, is adhered too.
4. Citizens of India enjoy fundamental rights, which are clearly enumerated in the Constitution. These rights are justifiable.
5. Rule of Law is an essential features of the Indian Democratic State.
(3) India as a Republic: The head of the state is the President of India. He is elected by the elected members of the Parliament and State Assemblies after every five years (generally). His post is not a hereditary like the King or Queen of England.

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