Photosynthesis - Provider Of Food For All


The figure given below represents an experiment to demonstrate a particular aspect
of photosynthesis. The alphabet 'A' represents a certain condition inside the flask

i. What is the aim of the experiment?

ii. Identify the special condition inside the flask.

iii Name an alternative chemical which can be used instead of KOH

iv In what manner do the leaves 1 and 2 differ at the end of the starch test? 


i. The aim of the experiment is to prove that carbon dioxide is necessary for
ii. The special condition inside the flask is that the air inside the flask contains no
carbon dioxide as all the carbon dioxide is absorbed by the KOH.
iii. An alternate chemical which can be used instead of KOH is soda lime.
iv. The leaf 1. when tested for the presence of starch turned brown, indicating the absence of starch,
while leaf 2 which is outside the flask, turned blue-black, indicating the presence of starch.

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