Animal Kingdom

More Topic from Biology

Question 1

A change in the amount of yolk and its distribution in the egg will effect

  • formation of a zygote

  • the pattern of cleavage

  • number of blastomeres produced

  • fertilization



the pattern of cleavage

The mode of cleavage is determined by the amount of yolk and its distribution.
(I) Holoblastic - The cleavage, in which the segmentation lines pass through the entire egg, dividing it completely, eg, frog, human egg, etc.
(II) Meroblastic -The lines of segmentation do not completely pass through the egg and remain confined to a part of the egg, eg , insects, birds, reptiles.

Question 2

A jawless fish, which lays eggs in fresh water and whose ammocoetes larvae after metamorphosis return to the ocean is:

  • Eptatretus

  • Myxine

  • Neomyxine

  • Petromyzon




Petromyzon(the lamprey) belongs to the section Agnatha of the sub-phylum-Vertebrata. They have long, greenish brown, cylindrical body with smooth scaleless, slimy skin, jawless mouth, etc. They lay eggs in freshwater but their ammocoete larvae(lower) after metamorphosis return to the ocean. 

Question 3

A marine cartilaginous fish that can produce electric current is 

  • Pristis

  • Torpedo

  • Trygon 

  • Scoltodon




Torpedo is a marine cartilaginous fish which produces 8-220 volt electric charge (current) depending on species. Their electric organs are modified lateral muscle plates innervatted by carnrial nerves.
Trygon (sting ray) resembles electric ray in many aspects but is devoid of electricity discharging (or producing) organs. 
Scoliodon (dog fish) is known for its great sense of smell. Pristis or common saw fish (also known as carpenters shark) is charactesised by a long, narrow, flattened rostrum lined with sharp transverse teeth to resembles a saw.

Question 4

A senentary sea anemone gets attached to the shell lining of hermit crab. The association is 

  • ectoparasitism

  • symbiosis

  • commensalism

  • amensalism




This type of mutualisn to called protocooperation. In this type, the sea anemone grows on the back of the hermit crab.  It protects the crab with the help of its nematocysts. Ectoparasites live on the outside of host., e.g., Human body louse. In this interaction, the parasite gets the benefits at the expense of the host.
Commensalism is an association between organisms in which one or both the species are benefitted and neither species is harmed. In amensalism, one species is harmed whereas the other is unaffected. Predation parasitism and commensalism share a common characteristic, the interacting species live closely together.

Question 5

An important characteristic that Hemichordates share with Chordates is

  • Absence of notochord

  • Ventral tubular nerve cord

  • Pharynx with gill slits

  • Pharynx without gill slits



Pharynx with gill slits

Pharyngeal gill slits are present in hemichordates as well as in chordates. Notochord is present in chordates only. Ventral tubular nerve cord is characteristic feature of non-chordates